Encouragement of art in buckinghamshire
Date:January 29, 2025

Judith Harper

Judith’s art is rooted in an enjoyment of textures and mark making.
Surface quality being a distinctive element in most of her work, usually achieved through
collage with paint and alternative media; interpreting and balancing the reality of the
subject into a more contemporary/semi-abstracted form.
A method she describes as wonderfully liberating.
She experiments with texture, line, shape and colour, inviting the viewer to engage on a
personal level and with a sense of place, whilst the big skies and open spaces of the Chilterns
and Northumberland, have encouraged an appreciation for the natural surroundings.
A career in teaching Design and Creative subjects, along with continued study through a
variety of art courses, has exposed her to different techniques and artists,
thus, influencing her style and composition.
Courses include Combined Studies at Amersham College, Creative Art Training with
Buckinghamshire Culture and, presently, a weekly active art group with Simon Brewster in
Judith exhibits at Bucks Art Week and other local exhibitions (including Off the Wall at Bucks
Museum, Chiltern Neuro Centre pop up art weekend, Woburn and local galleries.)
She also provides art sessions for the members at the Chilterns MS/Neuro-centre, is a
committee member for their Pop-up Art weekend exhibition and delivers art
demos/workshops to local schools and art groups.
“Art must never stop being a challenge.”
